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What's a Wedge?

A software wedge product literally gets your foot in the door.

A good wedge:

  • has mass market appeal
  • ads immediate value
  • is easy to understand
  • is easily sharable

Why use a wedge?

All businesses are competing for your time and attention.

A wedge puts you on people’s radar.

*The software buying cycle is 14+ steps and often times takes weeks/months/years to complete

The only reason people don’t buy from you right away boils down to 3 reasons

  1. They don’t know you
  2. They don’t know your product
  3. They don’t know your company

Your wedge starts the introduction process. AND you can use it as a lead capture device!

It's much easier to approach someone with a value add wedge vs:

“Hey I wanna sell you this product, do you have 20 minutes to jump on a demo”

^It’s astonishiong how many ‘me too’ software companies approach top of funnel with the latter offer. Makes it tough on the sales/marketing folks!

This is exactly what I’m doing with Hirexe and isn't the final destination, it's a very early gen 1 of the product. It’s the wedge. But we’re aggregating all relevant jobs for the IT Channel in 1 place for folks who are looking. Adding immediate value to all companies trying to hire and all candidates looking for work!

And it’s completely free!

The long-term vision is to completely change the current hiring experience.

But it's gonna take us a while to get there.

Our wedge allows us to go to market today, start adding immediate value, testing price points and different types of offers, all while capturing leads and making people familiar with what we're working on.