Table of Contents

Not Everyone is a Startup Person

In fact, few people are.

You have to be a jack of all trades, master of none.

Bo Peabody put this eloquently in his book, Lucky or Smart. The title of chapter 5 is literally this:

He goes further to describe a particular scenario later on in the chapter where 2 of his key players are in a massive fight. They are 2 savant level folks, that are absolutely vital for the startup, and take everything necessary to keep the startup afloat.

So much of management is making sure these folks play nice, and stay together.

Every startup has these problems... If they're successful anyway. You need personalities like this to make the impossible, possible. It's the juice.

Jason Lemkin posted this as well... There is real truth to this:

If it's not the CEO, it's gotta be someone, or at least a few other people damn close to the top.

You serisouly have no idea what 1 good hire does for a company. Especailly a small company. 2 Good hires make that even better/more ridiculous.

You have to be crazy enough not only to think you can see the future, but to have the ability to go out and manufacture it. Out of thin air!

There is no corporate playbook, you're in a knife fight every single god damn day!

Complete action.

You have to be scared to make mistakes and put out information that is completely imperfect. And potentially look like a fool in the short term to capitalize long term!

Default speed for a startup is reverse. If you take your foot off the gas pedal, you're heading backwards!

There is no right or wrong answers. This is something that school teaches us, and is completely bullshit for the real world. There are no 'rules' out here. There are laws that you have to obey, but thats it.

Everything else is maliable. Don't forget that 🙂