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How To Actually Help

'Helping' is doing the things that need to be done without being told to do so.

There are layers here:

1 - being able to figure out what actually needs to be done

2 - being able to make an impact on whatever that thing is

A simple ‘how to help scenario’ can apply to preparing the Thanksgiving meal in the kitchen at home.

  • Not helpful: asking the person who is doing all of the cooking how you can help
  • Helpful: setting the table and taking out the trash (because the table wasn’t set, trash can was overflowing)

But it can also apply to your manager. Or the CEO. Or the VC. (an ongoing joke in the startup community)

  • Asking if you can help is a vanity metric and not valuable. Asking to help makes the person feel like they are doing something of value. Sometimes it's genuine, but sometimes it's lazy.

Helping is seeing the future. And then executing. An example:

  • At Thanksgiving dinner, if you weren't cooking any of the meal, instead of asking people, how can I help, you would set the table and take out the overflowing trash.

A more complicated business example:

  • You're the leader of a sales organization. You came up short of the monthly growth target last month. You're going to have to present to the board.
  • You could look directly at your AE's and ask them why. They will explain that a handful of deals got pushed to next month, etc. Not ultra-valuable or helpful to you, the board, or anyone else involved.

A great leader would do the following:

Look at the lead flow:

  • Do we have enough leads
  • Are they quality
  • Are we routing them in the correct direction

Look at the product:

  • Is the product working
  • Why are we losing deals? do we have the right features
  • Have we shipped what we said we would on the roadmap

Outlier or standard

  • Is this a one-time thing? Or happening regularly?


  • do we have all of the tools necessary to close deals?


  • Are we priced correctly?
  • Can we be creative here?


  • Is there adequate support
  • Are people getting answers on time/can they reach the support staff with a call/email
  • Is the technical team there when issues arise

And, of course, talk to your AEs (and the rest of the team) / get their input.

But often, the most important thing you can do for your team is impact all of the other inputs I highlighted before!

Going into a conversation with the above breakdown level is much more helpful.

Put yourself in a position to understand and address the root cause, then implement change!

That’s helpful.

Action item:

Instead of asking someone, 'How can I help':

Put yourself in the shoes of the person you are asking

  • think thoughtfully about what their current problems are
  • if easy, go ahead and just do stuff for them (you don't need to ask permission)
  • if more complicated
    • highlight problems / propose how you'd go about finding a solution
    • if able, implement changes
    • if unable, at the least, this will spur a much more productive dialog for future change

Happy Thanksgiving.