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How Someone Makes Us Feel Will Never Be Automated

How someone makes us feel will never be automated or removed by technology.

No matter how good technology gets, at least in the near future, we're still going to need to interact with human beings. These reasons will continue to evaporate, lol, but you're going to need human help for the foreseeable future for the following circumstances:

  • Troubleshooting/Implementation of Sophisticated Systems
  • Complex Decision Making with Many Variables (not simple yes/no)
  • High Dollar Purchases
  • Getting Answers to Questions You Can't Figure Out

As we attempt to remove human interaction from the majority of our day to day activities, the human interfaces you get the chance to have will matter more and more. So, when you do have the chance to interact with someone, the stakes will get higher and higher. We'll have a slimmer margin of error across the board, as  people will have a lower tolerance for BS.

Reasons for this:

Scarcity - as we remove people from day to day interaction, the amount of time you get to interface will matter more and more. You’ll really have to knock it out of the park when you actually get in front of a potential client/other human. This is great for companies/ people that have this figured out. On the contrary, it’s going to be an uphill battle for those who don’t.

  • Comcast  -> bad customer service (this is a known issue)
  • DTC brands (redrO for example :)  -> Company will bend over backwards to make you happy!

Scarcity, PT 2 - at least for the next 20 years or so, there are decision makers who are age 40+ that are comfortable talking on the phone and would often times prefer to get help/advice from a real person.  That means there is still going to be a ton of people out there who are looking for (at least the option) to have human to human interaction.

  • on the other side of this coin, if you are a "millennial" (or younger person at whatever age) and are capable of knocking the cover off the ball with “regular human interaction” (ie, talking on the phone, face to face meetings, etc) you will find yourself having a distinct competitive advantage from the majority of your peers.

REAL People will still be making the highest level (and most expensive) purchasing decisions for the foreseeable future:

  • Real Estate Deals
  • Buying/Selling Companies
  • Major purchases/High Dollar Buys
  • Technical Solutions / Implementation (B2B Hardware systems, SAAS solutions, etc)

As we continue to progress from a technology perspective, experiences will become a more prized commodity.

Specifically, EXPERIENCE buys/packages will only go up in value

  • Travel accommodations (to new cities, and internationally)
  • Services - think anything from dry cleaning your clothing to meeting new people online
  • Sales. SAAS, B2B, B2C, DTC - all of them apply!

One thing that technology will ever be able to take away from us - how we make someone FEEL. The EXPERIENCE we provide. In fact, as technology evolves and continues to move forward, this part of human interaction will only prove to be more valuable.  (see the scarcity references earlier in this post)

Think about this from a technology perspective. Why is Apple so successful with their hardware? Have you ever used an iPhone or a Mac? The shit just works. Why has Amazon taken over the industry? When you order something it shows up in 2 days, max. When you lose an item, they refund you immediately. Why does Google own a significant amount of real estate online? Have you googled a question and not gotten a near perfect answer in the last, idk, 3 hours?

GREAT, Chris. What does this all mean?

It means you should always be working on mastering the art of human interaction. The better you get at it, the more success you’re going to have in life, particularly in sales.

You want to PERSONALLY be seen as just as VALUABLE as the best technology out there. Think Google Search for your client base!

Think about the jobs that will continue to go away. Mind you - high paying jobs, not just the minimum wage jobs the nation news focus on. We’re talking Wall Street financial analysts, mortgage brokers, real estate agents, many statisticians, lawyers pouring over agreements, and other high paying white collar jobs, just to name a few. These are often times $100k + a year jobs folks, disappearing, because of AI, automation and sheer computing power.

You know what’s not being automated? Human interactions and experiences.

If you are a person/business that is capable of giving a positive experiences, you’re going to win more and have more loyal clients. It’s that simple.

If you make it a priority to make yourself or your “support team” available and capable of giving quality help and support, you’re going to win more and have more loyal clients. It’s that simple.

Double down on becoming a master of human interaction and experience, and you will corner yourself into a job that cannot be automated.

So, how do you go about it!?

******CALL TO ACTION*******

After every interaction you have, ask the following questions:


  • Did I add value to the conversation/help them out?
  • Did I make their life easier?
  • Did we progress forward / focus on future solutions?
  • Was I positive?
  • Have we agreed on steps moving forward / Did I follow up?

 People will remember and be loyal.